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Local Rule
Application of U/L rule at CTS and Monthly data Release to Tokyo FAIB
1. Type of Service
While there exist 4 types of service such as the Scheduled Flights, Ad-Hoc
Flights, Business Aviation (BA) and General Aviation (GA), JSC coordinates
only the Scheduled Flights. Other types of flights like Ad-Hoc Flights,
BA and GA are treated by Tokyo FAIB.
2. Monthly Data Release
JSC deals the Scheduled Flights up until around one month before the planned
operations, then releases the monthly data of Scheduled Flights to Tokyo
FAIB. After its reception, Tokyo FAIB will add Ad-Hoc Flights, BA and GA.
3. Monitoring of Flight Operations
After monthly data release to Tokyo FAIB, JSC has no knowledge as to how
the actual operations are conducted at the airport. Tokyo FAIB is in charge
of monitoring of all flight operations including the On Time Performance
(OTP) and the calculation when distributing monitoring results.
4. Monitoring Results
There is no historic right applied at CTS since CTS is Level 2 airport.
However, JSC provides airlines with the list of schedules which was not
operated more than 80%, and they will be treated with lower priority at
initial coordination. As Tokyo FAIB is in charge of monitoring of all flight
operations, this calculation will naturally be done by Tokyo FAIB. In its
calculation, slots held on file by JSC before monthly data release will
be used as a bases for the monitoring results. The messages are distributed
no later than the SHL Deadline.