Slot Monitoring

The slot monitoring program is conducted in Japan according to WSG and it is applied to all level 2 and level 3 airports facilitated/ coordinated by JSC. The purpose of this monitoring is mainly the calculation of 80/20, misuse of slots and on time performance (OTP). Slot monitoring is divided in two parts; Pre-Operation Analysis and Post-Operation Analysis. The results of the monitoring will be reported at the occasion of Airport Coordination Committee (ACC).



According to requirements set by JCAB, JSC is asking ALL airlines to indicate the reason 1) for slot returns/ schedule cancellations and 2) why they couldn’t be returned by the slot return deadline within SI field of your SCR/SMA as below.

- It is mandatory requirement for all airlines to utilize “SI field of SMA” and indicate the reason for
ALL schedule cancellations (1 week or more) after Series Return Deadline at level 2 airports
, facilitated by JSC.
- It is mandatory requirement for all airlines to utilize “SI field of SCR” and indicate the reason for
Series of slot returns (5 weeks or more) after Series Return Deadline at level 3 airports, coordinated by JSC.
- It is mandatory requirement for all airlines to utilize “SI field of SCR” and indicate the reason for
ALL slot returns (1 week or more) after Historic Baseline Date at level 3 airports, coordinated by JSC.

>> If a definite reason for the cancellation and its delay is not indicated in the above cases, such slot return/ schedule cancellation shall be regarded as a misuse and JCAB may take measures toward the initial coordination for the next equivalent season.